Poštovane stranke!

Od danas je dostupan naš sistem za online zakazivanje!

Ovim putem napominjemo našim poštovanim strankama, da u zakazanom terminu mogu dobiti uslugu samo za tip predmeta, za koji je termin zakazan. Ukoliko se tokom obrade predmeta ispostavi da termin nije rezervisan za adekvatan tip predmeta, ili je potreban dalji rad na predmetu, potrebno je zakazati NOVI TERMIN.

Prijem stranaka je moguć samo uz prethodno zakazan termin.

Link za zakazivanje: https://konzinfoidopont.mfa.gov.hu/home

Više informacija na našem sajtu.


Dear Clients!

As of today, our online booking system is available!

We hereby remind our esteemed clients that during the appointment they can receive the service only for the type of case for which the appointment was previously scheduled.If during the case processing turns out that the appointment was not scheduled for an adequate case type, or further work on the case is required, it is necessary for a NEW APPOINTMENT to be made.

Please note that we can only accommodate clients with appointments.

Link: https://konzinfoidopont.mfa.gov.hu/home

For more information, visit our website!