Hungarian Government Scholarship Programme
The following Master of Science degree courses are being offered in English for the 2020-21 Academic Year:
- MSc in Food Safety and Quality Engineering (Szent István University)
- MSc in Horticultural Engineering (Szent István University)
- MSc in Animal nutrition and feed safety (Kaposvár University)
The following universities and faculties are participating:
- Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science
- Szent István University, Faculty of Horticultural Science
- Kaposvár University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Courses will be offered provided the minimum number of students is reached.
The scholarship will cover:
- application and tuition fees throughout the study period with basic books and notes;
- dormitory accommodation;
- subsistence costs;
- health insurance.
All of the above mentioned costs are financed by the Hungarian Government, according to the Agreement between FAO and Hungary in 2007.
The scholarship covers student costs only; family members are not supported within the frame of this programme.
Applications will only be considered, if those are sent by email and arrive between
15 January 2020 and 28 February 2020
Important notes
As the number of scholarships is limited, interested applicants are strongly encouraged to E-MAIL their applications as soon as possible.
Applicants who were not selected in previous years may re-apply to the 2021-2022 Programme. These applicants will have to submit the complete dossier once again by E-MAIL ONLY.
Please note that the duration of the scholarship cannot be extended or postponed.
Please be informed that the master courses will only start if sufficient number of applications will be received.
A Scholarship Study Contract will be signed between the selected student and the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary (MoAH), which is the donor of the program, at the time of first semester registration.
Applicants wishing to explore external funding opportunities to cover the travel costs may do so at their own initiative. However, in view of the length of the process, applicants wishing to apply for 2020 scholarships are strongly encouraged to E-MAIL their application while they endeavour to identify funds or pending confirmation that such funds will be granted.
All queries concerning the programme or the application process should be E-MAILED to FAO at:
For detailes, please read the related documents!